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VSU Fleet Vehicle Reservation Form

The USG has introduced a new Motor Vehicle Use Procedure. All USG employees who drive on institutional business regardless of frequency of driving and/or location of driving shall be subject to annual training. Information on this procedure is available at the following link: Motor Vehicle Use Procedure

Before completing this form, please make sure you are in compliance with the following policies and procedures:
  • You have read and understand the Motor Vehicle Use Procedure document and the Vehicle Conditions.
  • You have been issued a VSU Gas PIN number. Information on acquiring a VSU Gas PIN number can be found at the following link: Fuel Card Procedures. You can also contact Procurement at 229-333-5708 for any questions regarding the fuel card. All other fleet vehicle questions should be directed to The Parking & Transportation Department at 229-293-7275(PARK).
  • You have a valid driver's license.
  • No fleet request is processed until approval is received from the designated supervisor.
  • No fleet vehicle requests may be made more than 90 days prior to leave date.
  • Unless you have received a confirmation email, do not assume you have a vehicle reserved. Allow 48 hours AFTER supervisor sends approval, to receive confirmation.
  • You accept responsibility for notifying Parking & Transportation if there is an issue with a fleet vehicle, prior to leaving the parking deck.
  • You acknowledge fleet vehicles are for business purposes only and may not be used to run personal errands.
  • Pick up the key at the Parking & Transportation Department located in the Sustella Parking Deck 1st level between 8:00 a.m.- 5:30pm M-Thurs. and 8:00-3:00 on Fri. If you wish to leave for your destination prior to these designated times, make a request for key pick up the day prior. Fleet vehicles are picked up in their assigned/numbered spots on the 1st level of the Sustella parking deck. When you pick up a fleet vehicle, you may park your personal vehicle in a regular parking space overnight in the parking deck, as long as you have a faculty or staff parking decal displayed.
  • When the fleet vehicle is returned, ensure the tank is full of fuel and all trash has been removed, then park it back in its assigned spot in the Sustella parking deck. During business hours return keys to the Parking & Transportation Department. If you are returning after business hours, you must turn the key in at the drop box located on the west side of the Sustella Deck, directly behind the Student Recreation Center by the employee entrance to our department immediately upon your return. Gas receipts must be turned in to your supervisor.
  • Must have a zero balance in parking fines with Parking & Transportation.
  • A minimum $25.00 surcharge shall be made to your department account for the following:
    • If the vehicle is returned without a full tank of fuel (in addition to the fuel costs).
    • If you smoke in the vehicle.
    • If the vehicle is returned with trash.
    • If the vehicle is returned without the fuel card.
    • For every hour the key is not returned, past the designated time on your request.
    • If the requestor is a no show, and the keys are not picked up within the hour of the requested time.
    • Lost keys will result in the surcharge AND the current rate of key replacement, via the vehicle manufacturer.
    • Pets are not permitted in the Fleet Vehicles. If pet dander is found, there will be a minimum surcharge of $100.

  • Authorized Vehicle Use - Do's - State vehicles are authorized only for use in the performance of essential travel duties related to the completion of state business. Following are examples of authorized use:
    • Travel between the place where the vehicle is dispatched and the place where the official state business is performed.
    • When on official travel status between the place of state business and the place of temporary lodging. • When on official travel status and not within reasonable walking distance between either of the above places and to obtain: Meals, medical assistance, including drug store, supplies/materials need for the competition of state business
    • Transport of other officers, employees, or guests of the state when they are on official state business.
    • Transport of consultants, contractors, or commercial firm representatives when such transport is official state business. (Independent contractors must provide his/her own insurance even though he/she is an authorized passenger in state vehicles)
    • Transport of materials, supplies, parcels, luggage, or other items belonging to or serving the interests of the state.
    • Transport of any person or item in an emergency.
    • Travel between the place of dispatch or place of performance of state business and a personal residence, when specifically authorized by the proper authority and approved through the DOAS MV-1 process. Out of state travel if part of their official duties, is subject to the same limitations

  • Unauthorized Vehicle Use - Don'ts - Vehicles are not authorized to be used for any personal trips unrelated to the state business for which they were assigned or to transport passengers who are not state employees unless on state business. Unauthorized use of state vehicles may result in immediate disciplinary action from the operator’s agency. Such action may include suspension of all privileges to operate state vehicles and in some cases, dismissal. Furthermore, state drivers are not covered by liability insurance when engaging in unauthorized use of state vehicles. The following uses and activities while operating a state vehicle are prohibited:
    • Any use for personal purposes other than commuting which has been authorized.
    • Transport of hitchhikers.
    • Transport of cargo that has no relation to the performance of official state business
    • Non-state employee “passengers” not on state business or specifically approved for travel by your agency head.
    • Transport of hazardous materials such as acids, explosives, weapons, ammunition, or highly flammable material, except by specific authorization or in an emergency.
    • Except when in an official business travel status, transport of other employees from work centers to restaurants, café's or drugstores.
    • Attending sporting events including hunting and fishing other than those activities which are part of the employee’s official duties.
    • Transporting any political campaign literature or matter or to engage in soliciting votes or to transport any person or persons soliciting votes in any election or primary.
    • Smoking in a state vehicle by any occupant.
    • Attaching personal property to state vehicles.
    • Applying decals not authorized by OFM.
    • Improper vehicle use that is beyond the vehicle’s rated capabilities
Enter your full name to acknowledge acceptance of all fleet policies and procedures:

Basic Information:

Requestor E-mail:
Requestor Phone:
Supervisor's Name:
Supervisor's Email:
Do you have a driver's gas PIN:
Department Account:
          Account #: 712100
          Fund #: (Fund# must contain 5 digits!)
          Department #: (Department# must contain 7 digits!)
          Program #: (Program# must contain 5 digits!)
          Class #: (Class# must contain 5 digits!)
          Project #: (Optional)
Primary Driver Name:
Secondary Driver Name:

Travel Details:

Has your travel already been approved or do you currently have standing authority to travel?
Vehicle Type:
Vehicle Pickup Date:
Vehicle Pickup Time:
Vehicle Return Date:
Vehicle Return Time:
Travel Destination(s):

Reason for Travel:

Additional Requests/Comments: